"The art of JIS lies in perfect coordination between suppliers and production lines." -Richard Johnson
What is Just in Sequence?
Just in Sequence (JIS) refers to the supply of materials in accordance with the production sequence.
Essentially Just in Time Although it works on the same logic, it takes it a step further by ensuring that suppliers deliver products and in the correct order. Just in Sequence (JIS) is widely used especially in complex production models such as the automotive industry.
It is also called In-Line-Vehicle-Sequencing. In this sense, for Ford's suppliers, In Line Vehicle Sequencing Process (ILVS).
Benefits of Just in Sequence
Reducing Inventory Costs: JIS ensures that materials and components are supplied only when they are needed. This reduces the need to hold excess stock and lowers inventory costs.
Increasing Production Efficiency: Arriving of materials in the correct order and on time contributes to the uninterrupted and orderly production processes. This increases production efficiency.
Improving Product Quality: JIS ensures that product assembly processes are regular. This helps reduce errors and increase product quality.
Improving Delivery Times: Suppliers are coordinated more tightly to deliver products in the correct order and on time. This enables improved delivery times to the customer.
Stock Value Reduction: JIS Approach encourages faster turnover of stocks. This helps companies reduce stock values.
Strengthening Supplier Relationships: JIS requires closer collaboration with Suppliers. It contributes to the development of long-term relationships and monitoring the performance of suppliers.
Easier Production Planning: Arriving materials and components in the correct order makes production planning more predictable.
Risks of Just in Sequence
Supply Chain Risks: JIS, Requires tighter coordination throughout the supply chain than Just in Time (JIT). Therefore, any error or disruption in the supply chain can negatively affect production processes like dominoes.
Demand Changes: Unexpected demand changes can complicate JIS implementation. If demand increases or decreases, material supply on the production line must keep pace with these changes.
Long Supply Chain: JIS can become more complex in international supply chains. Long distances and customs clearance may cause deliveries to be delayed.
Data and Information Security: JIS Application, JIT. This may increase data security risks.
Supplier Diversity: Working with multiple suppliers can help spread risks. However, supplier diversity will also complicate coordination.
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